Sunday, 18 November 2012


I've got a bit of a cold, and have been snuffling round the house for most of the weekend. Luckily, Sarah bought the most amazingly huge amount of ginger root at Lewisham market last week, so I have been drinking copious quantities of honey, lemon and ginger.

Yours sniffily


Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

That looks amazing! I love ginger and honey so much! It almost makes having a cold worth it;) Almost...

Get well soon!

she. said...

What a grate idea, I will try this the next time I get a cold, or maybe just because.

k said...

i just cooked with ginger for the first time recently! this looks like a great idea :)

Louise said...

I heartily recommend it. When things are really bad, I like making a DIY lemsip by adding soluble paracetamol (though you have to keep an eye on the fizzing!) because real lemsip tastes HORRIBLE!

Charis said...

I hope you're feeling better Louise!

Louise said...

I am, thank you, Charis!