Monday, 6 August 2012

Wash day

Our washing machine has been broken for a couple of weeks, so I'm quite good at handwashing by now! Luckily the sun has been helping out - I sure do miss the spin cycle in terms of getting my pants dry...


Unknown said...

Adorable! I can almost smell the laundry detergent ;)

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness. Wouldn't be doing - just be taking it to a laundromatte service (or finding a really cool one to sit in, we really need some like they have in America where beautiful women and interesting characters always seem to hang out)

Louise said...

Haha yes, Michelle, sadly my local one is not much like the movies!

k said...

good on you for handwashing! i'd be lazy and take it somewhere. but i do always hang my clothes up to dry, i loooove how it makes my apt smell :)

Anastasia said...

i've just finishe washing mine...i suffer from lack of washing machine as well...
