Saturday, 16 June 2012

Hands up if you bought a silly hat from topshop and you love it

Felt pork-pie hat from Topshop, £25. I believe they also come in a sort of purply-grey colour.


she. said...

love your hat.

Rynae said...

I love it, it sort of reminds me of Hilary Banks on fresh prince of bel air and it doesn't look silly.

alessandra said...

Hello gorgeous! :-)

Louise said...

Hello :) the hat and I are swift becoming inseparable. The problem is, it's quite windy and it keeps blowing off my head.

silverpebble said...

You have given me a 1985 flashback. *dashes off to find copy of Pretty in Pink*

Michelle said...

It is really cute. Suits you.

k said...

very you!