Friday, 30 December 2011


What I made for my mother - her diary is always jam-packed and bursting at the seams by June, so I got a small ring binder and some punched lined paper from paperchase, printed the diary pages myself and added lots of pockets, envelopes and pouches for all the receipts, notes and who-knows-what that will be stuffed into it over the year! The idea is that she can get herself refills if she needs more paper in there. I decorated the important days (my birthday especially...) and finished it off with black elastic, taped and glued for double strength at the back.


Annemac said...

I think it is brilliant - very user friendly - no lost receipts/reminders and no excuse for forgetting important dates like birthdays x

Anonymous said...

I love it

Anonymous said...

Hey Super Duper,
Loved this idea so much I decided to start making one as a mothers day present!
Hope my mum likes it... I'll let you know!
Katrina x