Thursday, 1 September 2011

Naturally shed...

You may be a bit over antlers, and I know that these are essentially useless, but I just can't stop looking at these painted antlers by MadebyCassandraSmith. I've been going back and poring over them for a couple of months now. The colours are just so perfect! I'd love a set in my room for coat hooks, if they could be fixed easily somehow.


a girl and her bird said...

These are lovely! I have some antler beads that I've been meaning to make into necklaces for months now! xx

Erin Lian said...

Oh man I see what you mean these are cool! Loving the colours

k said...

those would be AMAZING coat hooks.

Lotta Losten said...

The one in the middle is amazing! Hi, by the way. I'm a fairly new reader and I really enjoy your blog. :-)

alessandra said...
