Friday, 5 December 2014

Damson jam

This year's autumn jam, made a couple of weeks back from damsons from my parents garden. A bumper crop this year! They'd been stored in the freezer until I was ready to deal with them, which I find makes things pretty easy. Now, I've made this a good few times, and this year's is particularly good, though I say so myself (smug smile). Not overdone, not runny, and that beautiful jewel-like colour that you get, with a good balance of sweet and tangy. This is a good recipe, if any come your way! Flippin' perfect on a vanilla sponge (courtesy of boyfriend - very pleased with himself. An excellent cake it was too).

For those of you who are very much enjoying Jam News, and I know there are many of you, good news: its nearly time for Project Christmas Jam! Coming soon...

PS, you may have noticed that the embarrassing graphic designer in me couldn't resist making proper labels for my jars. Sigh...


Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

That looks both beautiful and delicious! Well done!

Louise said...

Why, thank you! :)