Sunday, 10 July 2011

New shooooes? Oooooooooooh

My new shoes have arrived, just in time for some more on/off rainy weather (come on, now, summer!) and I love them, they are so weavy and metallicy. I love them in spite of the mortal wounds that they inflicted on my heels the first time I wore them out, too. Don't worry shoes, I will soon beat you into comfortable submission with the aid of countless plasters...


Vivi said...

i love those shoes!!!! x

a girl and her bird said...

Great shoes! I'm getting through loads of plasters at the mo with my summer shoes! x

Heather said...

Those are some super duper shoes ;)

Louise said...

Glad you like 'em guys. My feet have nearly recovered and will be having another go at them any day now...

she. said...

love the your shoes, and smart post:)

silverpebble said...

I had these exact shoes in white. In 1986. I am terribly old.

Louise said...

Silverpebble, by old, do you mean awesome? x