Today I am 23, which I realised with some surprise this morning. You may think this sounds stupid, but it seems a bit, well, old! I imagined I'd have done something great by now, like climb a mountain or write a novel. I'm not that into climbing so I'd probably better get on with the book... I'm being silly, actually I'm pretty chuffed with my achievements to date. I still have all my fingers and I own my own toolkit (thanks Dad!). Cheers!
Happy happy to you Louise, young thing :)!
Can't find your email anywhere Louise, so I'll thank you for the lovely parcel I got here! Love the scarf I bought from you, use it every day :)
Happy Birthday Louise! Have a lovely rest of day. You are definitely not old. Fact. x
Congrats!!! Have a lovely day!
Camila F.
Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday Louise!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Congratchliations and all the happy returns. You are a whipper snapper.
Happy Birthday you whippersnapper! Love the comment about making it to your age with all your fingers intact though, I didn't think that when I was lamenting turning 29 last week! xx
Happy birthday! You make neat things--that's an achievement not all of us have reached :)
Happy Birthday!
you gotta love dad's and their practical presents!
you are hilarious, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
p.s i just had a much bigger bday so don't stress..
Happy birthday!
23 is young! You are still a spring chicken!
Happy Birthday. That is still quite young, you will have plenty of time to make all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday! And you're not old at all! I will be 23 in November, but I wish I was a few years older. Somehow I hope life will be more stable, I guess :) I hope you enjoyed your day!
Happy Birthday Louise! 23????? WOW...I could be your mum! ; ^)
Happy birthday to you♡
i'm a little late sorry friend, haven't had the internet full blast for the last few days.
ho[e you had an amazing amazing and nice and wonderful day x x
happy belated birthday! 23 isn't old, lots of time still to do fun and wonderful things!
happy belated! you seem pretty darn talented & accomplished to me for such a young one...
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