Friday 29 January 2010

As promised, here is something I've been working on in my spare time: a mini-collection of 5 pom-pom pieces in the most delicious sherberty icecream colours. They make me think of those Refreshers sweets, remember them?

Anyhow, each is a one-off so get 'em while they're hot!

Wednesday 27 January 2010


When my boyfriend and his dad asked me if I wanted to accompany them to a classic car auction this weekend, what do you think I said? 'No thanks, I've got to hoover...' But what a wally I was - the above items were brought back for me by my lovely boy. The map is so old that Brixton isn't even in the grey shadey bit of London!

Monday 25 January 2010

I made something...

This is Mr O'Fishington, my new pincushion. I seem to have outgrown a normal-sized pincushion, and keep finding pins all over the place, on the floor, under my desk... Quite apart from the reduced foot-hazard, Mr O'Fishington is stuffed with lavender so no more sewing-stress for me. He has a cousin, who is a square, and is available here

Saturday 23 January 2010

That's right, ladies and gents! After 3 years as a bright bottle blonde, I have dyed my hair crazy clown bright red. New year, new things I guess! It's great, the only thing is that now loads of my clothes clash horribly with it...

Any hair dye disasters happened to any of you?

Thursday 21 January 2010

Happy Thursday

The old leather silhouettes are still going strong, I never get bored of thinking up combinations. I just wanted to share this lovely frame, which has already gone to a lucky lady, but it has a sister in black that will soon be in the shop.

Tuesday 19 January 2010


The shop is open again - come on in! Also, I've been playing around with wool. All will soon be revealed...

Plus, isn't this great? Thanks Elisabeth for pointing it out!

Saturday 16 January 2010

I love these each cloud has a silver lining cross-stitch pieces by chez-sucre-chez. Kimberley Scola stitches a subtle silver lining around each unique cloud. It's a nice message to be reminded of these cold gloomy days!

Monday 11 January 2010

Some patterned endpapers I've designed for a short stories book design brief. I'll show you the books as soon as I've taken some good photos.

The snow seems to be retreating at last, which is nice. I've got a cracking bruise on my knee where I slipped over (drunk) in the snow the other night. It's been fun, but it's nice to go outside without gloves on!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Things have been very busy at uni for a while now, and although running around like a crazy lady shrieking 'there's no TIME!!' has worked a treat for a couple of months, I have decided (for my sanity) to close my etsy shop until late January. I'll be back before you know it though, and will carry on posting here. For a soothing influence here are some pictures I took in France on a crappy disposable camera in simpler times!

Monday 4 January 2010

Some colour samples that I did for a customer - and then caught my eye as just nice shapes really. Weird... Hope your 2010 is shaping up to be a good one!

Friday 1 January 2010

Happy new year, lovelies!

New things for the new year! I am pleased to announce a new line of hand-cut silhouette jewellery, which I will be listing this month in the shop. Also, a few new collar necklaces including this one with vintage crochet lace.

Happy New Year!