Ladies and gents, I am off this evening on my way to have a lovely time in a beautiful field, and will be out of contact range until Monday night. Have a lovely rest-of-week and weekend everyone, and here is a terribly unflattering photo from last year or the year before:

Bleugh! xx
hi hi hi!
i love the composition of this photo!
I found your blog through the Etsy forums and just wanted to say hi and that you have a new follower! Have a beautiful week!
xo, Katie
you look sooo different ! you have lost loads of weight, love that random door btw :)
Why is it unflattering? I think it's adorable!
heee, how sweet that you would post a photograph you don't even like. it doesn't really look like you. did you have fun at the fest?
Haha no that was two years ago now and it's weird, it doesn't look like me now. I had a great time thanks! x
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