Friday, 30 April 2010

Apologies for the patchy posting, folks. A great many things have come up, some of them rather sad, and I'm looking at a pretty mad month. Don't worry though, I'm sure I'll be moaning about it all here!

Meanwhile, here are some funny little cardboard coins I found in a charity shop, dated 1971, the year the exciting new decimal system came into use, so I assume they were a teaching aid. No idea what to do with them, I just couldn't leave them in the shop!


alessandra said...

first the bumblebee then the cartoons coins...must means something significant.
hope everything is alright with you.

alessandra said...

ahrghhhh I mean cardboard coins!

jazmine rocks @ jazzabelle's diary said...

aren't they so lovely? i'd love to get my hands on some of these! they would make cute brooches.

love, jazzabelle. x

Louise said...

Alessandra - thank you, and I'll let you know if a connection becomes clear!

Jazzabelle - that is a bloody brilliant idea! I'll have to get them waterproof somehow but thanks!

chloe said...

i love visiting your blog, seeing all the little treasures that magically come into your possession! hope your month goes well, i shall be sending you good vibes xxx

Zoë said...

hope everything is ok! x

nath said...

hello dear, those coins are grrreat. i'd like a 50p brooch please. hope all is well with you!